How to Prepare For the 2025 Real Estate Exam
Jacqueline Kyo Thomas
You have questions. We have answers. Here are the answers to the most common questions we’re asked about the 2025 Massachusetts Real Estate Salesperson exam.
Fortunately, the eligibility requirements for the Massachusetts Real Estate Salesperson Exam are straightforward. Candidates need to meet the following:
With these boxes checked, you can apply to take the exam.
If you’ve met the above criteria, which includes taking the 40-hour Massachusetts real estate course online or in person, you are one step closer to becoming an agent. But first, you must apply to take the exam.
In Massachusetts, real estate exams are offered exclusively through a company called PSI Exams. You will need to fill out an application, which is available on this site, and authorize the state to perform a background check on you. Learn more about good moral character compliance here.
Upon approval, you can schedule your exam through the PSI website. The exam can be taken either in person or online, though the license must be picked up in person after you pass the exam.
The Massachusetts Real Estate Salesperson Exam is broken into two main sections: Massachusetts State Law and General Real Estate Knowledge. Although the exam is not limited to the following topics, here’s a good overview of the kinds of things that you’ll need to know:
Don’t worry if this all seems daunting. We cover everything you need to know during our 40-hour real estate salesperson course. Learn more here.
The Massachusetts Real Estate Salesperson Exam consists of 120 multiple-choice questions. As mentioned above, it’s broken into two sections. The General Real Estate Knowledge section includes 80 questions. The Massachusetts-specific section has 40 questions.
To pass the Massachusetts Real Estate Salesperson Exam, you need to score at least 70% on both sections. In other words, you can’t pass the exam if you score 90% on State and 50% on General. You must score at least 70% on both sections individually.
If you don’t pass the exam, you can retake it as many times as you need. But here’s more good news: If you pass one section but not the other, you won’t need to retake the entire test. You only need to take the section you didn’t pass. So if you fail the General section but pass the State section, you would need to retake the General section only. You can think of the sections as two different exams that you happen to take at the same time.
For real estate salespeople (or agents), the examination fee is $54 and the application fee is $31. Accepted payment types include Visa, MasterCard, or American Express. Discover or Diner cards are not accepted.
If you choose to mail in your application, you may also be able to pay with company checks, money orders, or cashier’s checks. Make your checks payable to PSI. Include your name in the memo section to ensure your payment is applied to the correct registration. Personal checks are not accepted. Cash is also not accepted.
If you have to retake the test, you will not be required to pay the $31 application fee. However, you will need to pay for the test itself, which comes out to $54 for each retest.
You can also pay the optional $8 cancellation protection fee. This will allow you to cancel up to 24 hours before your scheduled test.
The Massachusetts real estate exam is administered exclusively through PSI. PSI offers convenient options to meet your needs. You can take the test online or onsite at one of PSI’s testing centers. These testing centers are located in Boston, Auburn, Fall River, Lawrence, and West Springfield.
PSI also has satellite centers in other locations in Massachusetts, though you can only have your license printed at one of the five main testing centers.
Yes. You can take an online exam through PSI from the place of your choosing. Because this exam is proctored, you need to ensure that you can meet several technical requirements, including having a working camera and microphone, and a dedicated room without distractions or intrusions.
PSI administers the Massachusetts Real Estate Licensing Exam throughout the year, usually daily depending on the setting of the exam (onsite vs online). Exams are also offered on the weekends. Visit the PSI website to schedule a day and time that works well for your schedule.
You must register for your exam with your legal first and last name as it appears on your government-issued identification.
On the day of the exam, you must bring two forms of identification (ID). Look them over to make sure that your IDs are not expired, display a valid signature, and exactly match the name you used to register for your exam.
Present one of the following primary IDs: - A government-issued driver’s license - A learner’s permit (plastic card only with photo and signature) - A national, state, or country ID car - A government-issued passport or passport card - A government-issued military identification card - A government-issued alien registration card (this includes green cards and permanent resident visas)
Be sure that your primary identification includes a photo.
Present one of the following secondary IDs: - Signed credit or debit card - Social security card - Another ID from the primary list
If you do not have the appropriate IDs or if any of the names on your various forms of ID do not match each other or the name on your registration, you will not be permitted to take the exam. You will also forfeit your examination fee.
We’ve prepared a handy guide to help you pass your exam the first time with flying colors. Click here to check out our 12 tips for preparing to ace your real estate exam. We go over everything from the real estate exam’s format to what you need to do the day prior to your exam. We also share tips on how to get the most out of practice exams.
You must wait a minimum of 24 hours before you can schedule a retake of the Massachusetts Real Estate Licensing Exam. Scheduling takes place online. Visit the PSI website to schedule your retake. Keep in mind that you will need to pay $54 to retake.
We generally recommend waiting longer between retakes so that you have enough time to study, but 24 hours is the minimum timeframe.
Also, remember that you must complete your real estate exam within two years after completing your real estate course and receiving the education certificate. However, within those two years, you are free to take the real estate exam as many times as you need to.
You need to wait 24 hours before trying to reschedule your real estate salesperson exam. After that, you can log into your PSI account to schedule the retake. The retake fee is $54.
Did you know that we guarantee that you will pass your exam the first time if you study with us? Over the years, we’ve fine-tuned our program to ensure that our students pass the first time. We’re so committed that if you don’t pass, we’ll refund the cost of your course. Learn more here.
Once you pass your exam, you will be automatically licensed to sell real estate in the state of Massachusetts. If you took your exam onsite at a test center, you will take a photo and receive your license the same day. If you took the exam online, you will need to visit a PSI test center to take a photo and pick up your license.
To receive your license, you will need to pay the associated license fee. License fees are prorated and change every month, but expect to pay between $103 to $150. You will also be required to pay a $12 license printing fee.
You can pay your license fees by credit card. You can also use a personal check, cashier’s check, or money order made payable to PSI. Cash is not accepted. Note that this payment is different from your examination fee.
The Massachusetts real estate salesperson license is valid for two years. The license will expire on the date of your birthday. If you do not renew your license every two years, it will automatically expire. You will need to take 12 hours of continuing education classes to renew your license.
Did you know that the state of Massachusetts participates in real estate reciprocity? If you currently have a real estate license from a state that has a standing reciprocity agreement with Massachusetts, you get an advantage. You don’t need to retake the entire real estate exam. Instead, you’ll only need to complete the application process and pass the Massachusetts portion of the exam. We’ll help you get ready for what to expect. Learn more about how to apply for Massachusetts real estate reciprocity here.
Although it’s a blow to the ego (and the wallet), there are no negative consequences to failing the Massachusetts Real Estate Exam. After completing your 40-hour real estate course, you have two years to ace the exam. You can take the exam as many times as you would like during this time period. You will need to pay the examination fee for each retake.
The first step starts with us. Click here to learn more about how to get your Massachusetts real estate salesperson license.